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Find out all the details about orthognathic surgery!

What is orthognathic surgery?


It is a surgical technique used to correct changes in the growth of the jaws, known as dentofacial anomalies, which can lead to disorders in the bite, joints, breathing and affect facial aesthetics. It is, therefore, an aesthetic-functional procedure capable of transforming facial harmony, masticatory function and better quality of life.

Class II

It is an anteroposterior relationship, where the mandible may be retracted (positioned behind) in relation to the face, or even the maxilla, which is the superior bone, can be protruded (positioned in front) in relation to the face.

Class III

It is an anteroposterior relationship, where the mandible is projected forward in relation to the face, or even the maxilla is retro-positioned in relation to the mandible, or both problems.


Asymmetries include deviations from the dental and skeletal midlines, as well as laterognathism. There are also occlusal plane asymmetries in the frontal view (CANT), noticeable when the patient smiles, showing a greater number of teeth on one side in relation to the other. Volume asymmetries can also be identified.

Open bite

Absence of overbite between the upper and lower teeth, in this case the upper teeth are far from the lower teeth, preventing the seizure of food by the upper and lower incisors. Open bite is usually associated with a long face and may have other associated problems such as: asymmetries and anteroposterior problems.

Short face

It occurs when the patient has the lower third of the face (region below the nose, up to the tip of the chin) short. When this region is shortened, the patient may have poor teeth exposure when talking and smiling. It can also be due to shortening of the anterior region of the mandible. In surgery the correction will be made by repositioning the upper jaw lower and working changes in height of the anterior region of the mandible.

Class II long face

Patient who has the lower third of the face (region below the nose, up to the tip of the chin) enlarged. It may be due to excessive vertical growth of the maxilla or the anterior region of the mandible. Associated with anteroposterior problem where the mandible is retro-positioned in relation to the maxilla.

Class III long face

Patient who has the lower third of the face (region below the nose, up to the tip of the chin) enlarged. It may be due to excessive vertical growth of the maxilla or the anterior region of the mandible. Associated with anteroposterior problem where the mandible is protruded in relation to the maxilla.

Required exams

Find out which exams are needed to carry out an assessment and for the virtual planning of orthognathic surgery.

What is the minimum and maximum age for surgery?

The ideal for the minimum age is to wait for the patient's growth phase so that bone growth in the face does not occur after surgery. The maximum age does not exist as long as the patient has good preoperative exams, it is possible to operate.

How does orthodontic preparation work?

Orthodontic preparation is usually the first step in treatment for orthognathic surgery. However, it depends a lot on the diagnosis of each patient, there are people who do not need this preparation and are ready for surgery.

2D planning

2D planning helps to visualize the treatment goals, which is essential for the patient's decision to operate or not. For the planning, the Dolphin Imaging software is used, where a virtual simulation of the patient is performed.

3D planning

Through updated orthodontic documentation, computed tomography and intraoral scanning or plaster models, we simulate orthognathic surgery using the Dolphin Imaging software to obtain greater predictability in the surgery result.

Consent form

It is extremely important for the patient to know and understand what the risks of surgery are, and the best ways for the patient to prevent these risks from happening, such as: hygiene, food, use of medication, etc.

How is the day of surgery?

On the day of the orthognathic surgery, the patient needs to be fasting for 10 hours before, during the surgery the patient is submitted to general anesthesia, the duration of the surgery depends a lot on each clinical case, on average from 2 to 3 hours.

Post-operative care

Food, medication and hygiene are extremely important during the postoperative period, hygiene is essential to reduce the chance of infections, using mouthwash, a super soft toothbrush. In addition, the patient should not eat anything solid for a period, so that there are no complications. 

Orthodontic completion

For this step, the patient is released to an orthodontist only after evidence of bone consolidation, through exams such as panoramic radiography or computed tomography. This step is the final “finishing” of the patient's occlusion.

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    Assim que você adquirir o nosso pacote completo de avaliação inicial, nossa equipe entrará em contato com você para marcar a primeira consulta com o Dr. Daniel Freitas ou com um dos nossos cirurgiões parceiros.
  • Documentação/Exames Iniciais
    Para o planejamento 2D sera necessária uma documentação ortodôntica completa, que será solicitada pelo Dr. Daniel Freitas, ou por um dos cirurgiões parceiros. As despesas referentes a esses exames não estão inclusas no pacote de avaliação inicial (o custo desses exames iniciais pode variar de R$ 100,00 a R$ 250,00 dependendo da região do Brasil que você está).
  • Qual valor da Cirurgia Ortognática?
    O custo pode variar muito de acordo da complexidade do caso, local da cirurgia (diferentes preços de hospital, materiais de fixação e anestesista), plano de saúde entre outros fatores. A composição de valores será informada após avaliação inicial.
  • Planejamento 2D
    O planejamento 2D auxilia na visualização dos objetivos de tratamento, o que é fundamental para a tomada de decisão do paciente entre operar ou não. Nossa equipe utiliza o software Dolphin Imaging para simulação virtual do seu caso, um software que possui a tecnologia mais avançada na área de diagnóstico, planejamento e previsão de tratamento.
  • Planejamento em vídeo
    Após a avaliação presencial o Dr. Daniel Freitas ou cirurgião parceiro passará todas as orientações através de um vídeo detalhado realizado em nosso estúdio apresentando para o paciente as possibilidades do tratamento. Nesse vídeo será apresentado os problemas que o paciente possui, as alternativas de tratamento, orientações para o paciente e o preparo ortodôntico (movimentação dentária) para seu ortodontista.
  • Grupo WhatsApp
    Para facilitar a comunicação criamos um grupo no WhatsApp para cada um dos pacientes, nesse grupo estarão presentes o Dr. Daniel Freitas com sua equipe, cirurgião parceiro, ortodontista, paciente e familiares (opcional).
  • Garantia | Risco 0
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Dr. Daniel Freitas

Cirurgia Ortognática


Tel: 14 99721-3004 | 14 3234-3004

R. Gerson França, 9-02 – Vila Mesquita, Bauru/SP
R. Mato Grosso, 128 – CJ. 73, 7º andar – Higienópolis, São Paulo/SP
R. Voluntários da Pátria, 445, Sala 803 – Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro/RJ


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